Walking Dead Season 7 – Odds of Survival (Part 3)

For part 1 (29-21) click here.
For part 2 (20-11) click here.

Ranking the cast of The Walking Dead Season 7, least to most likely to survive.


10. Jesus




Jesus has the important role of connecting Rick’s group with the Hilltop group. He is charming, charismatic, and likable, and has the potential to become a fan favorite. If the producers ever decide to kill off resident bad boy, and current fan favorite, Daryl, Jesus would be the only character that could potentially fill the void.


9. Baby Judith




Unlike other shows, The Walking Dead is not afraid to kill off children. But, do they have the balls to kill off a baby? They only thing that could send Rick into another tailspin would be to kill off Judith, Carl, or Michonne. Of the three, Judith brings the least to the show and would leave no void, whatsoever. Judith will eventually become walker-baby food, but since Rick will already be distraught after the Negan attack, there will be no need to kill off Baby Judith in season 7.


8. Ezekiel



We have not yet met Ezekiel, but the season 7 previews show us that we will be introduced to him in season 7. He will likely be a complex character in which writers will need more than one season to tell the full story of him and his tiger.


7. Carol




Carol is completely losing her shit, and needs to pull herself together if she plans on making it through season 7 alive. While a Carol death would send shock waves through The Walking Dead universe, the crazier she gets, the more fans may be willing to put her out of her misery. Carol will probably be separated from the main group for most of the season, but there is no way she is dying before we get to see at least one more interaction between her and Rick.


6. Eugene



Now that we were shown the scene between Eugene and Abraham kissing and making up, we can expect one of them to be on their way out. As likable as Eugene may be, his death would not have as much of an impact on the group as Abraham’s death will. Seeing how Eugene will carry on without Abraham, however, will be a storyline all on its own.


5. Daryl




If Daryl is going to die in season 7, it is going to be in the premiere. If he makes it through episode 1 without being bashed in the head by Lucille, he should be safe until at least season 8. Daryl’s death will be the biggest death in the history of the show, so producers will probably save it for a stand alone, shocking episode when we least expect it.


4. Michonne




While Michonne has the cards stacked against her survival due to the fact that she makes Rick happy, she should be safe for at least season 7. Like Baby Judith, Michonne’s death will come at a time that Rick feels at ease, and will completely rock his world. Since his world is already pretty rocked at the moment, Michonne should make it through the season unscathed.


3. Negan




The Walking Dead has struck villain gold with Negan, and will not let him go without squeezing every drop of material out of him. Even The Governor lasted almost two seasons, so it is safe to say that Negan is not going away anytime soon.


2. Rick

(photo: screenrant.com)

(photo: screenrant.com)


The story of The Walking Dead is Rick’s story. Killing him off would make no sense from a production

standpoint. It started with him walking up from a coma, and it will likely end with him being killed, at which point, every character we have come to know and love will be long gone, with the sole exception of his first born.


1. Carl




Carl is Rick’s pride and joy, and if he dies, Rick will go so far off the deep end that he will be unable to recover. If Carl died, Rick would start killing everyone and everything he could until he eventually ran out of steam and got taken down. Without Carl, there is no Rick, and without Rick, there is no Walking Dead.

Walking Dead Season 7 – Odds of Survival (Part 2)

For part 1 (29-21) click here.

Ranking the cast of The Walking Dead Season 7, least to most likely to survive. continued…


20. Spencer




Spencer is the last remaining member of Deanna’s family, and before she passed, Rick promised Deanna that he would do everything in his power to protect Spencer as if he were one of his own.

We have seen, however, that Spencer tends to be a bit erratic and makes some hasty decisions that may not be the safest or smartest choices. Couple that with the fact that Spencer appears to be in a relationship with Rosita, and one of them will likely die before the season is over, because being in a relationship may make them happy, and being happy is not allowed in Walking Dead world. Rosita has a much better chance of protecting herself than pretty boy Spencer, so it looks like the Monroe family has a good chance of becoming extinct in season 7. I would like to say it was a good run, but I would be lying.


19. Rosita

(photo credit: walkingdead.wikia.com)

(photo credit: walkingdead.wikia.com)


As previously stated, Spencer and Rosita starting a relationship may be bad news for the safety of both of them. It is very likely that the couple will be split up by the end of the season, and while Rosita has a better set of skills to protect herself, the promise that Rick gave to Deanna about protecting Spencer could easily be what costs Rosita her life, should Rick have to choose between saving the two. (I can already see the blank stare Rick is giving the two of them as they are being attacked by walkers and he is having a flashback of his last conversation with Deanna as she was on her deathbed.)


(photo: amc)


18. Maggie




If Maggie can survive Negan’s bloodbath in the season premiere, expect her to make it to season 8 with ease. However, that is a big IF. We have been told that this scene will be one of the most gruesome, heartbreaking scenes in television history. What would be more painful to watch than a 9 month pregnant woman being beaten to death by a spiked baseball bat? How about said pregnant woman’s friends having to extract the baby from her dead body to save the baby’s life? Horrifying thought, but it would certainly get the reaction that the producers are looking for.


17. Gregory




Gregory was introduced to us at the end of season 6 as the leader of the Hilltop Colony. As we all know very well, Rick is not a fan of sharing his role of leader with anyone. Once the group of survivors makes it back to Alexandria, expect Rick’s group to begin working with Gregory’s group to take down Negan. Rick will be able to compromise for a while, but eventually Gregory will have to relinquish his power to Rick, or die. As this is The Walking Dead, I fully expect the latter.


16. Dwight




Dwight will be the most hated character in season 7. Sure Negan is a sociopathic monster, but he does have charisma and charm, unlike Dwight. I expect Dwight to play a major role in taking down Negan. We already know that Dwight rebelled against Negan in the past. As time goes by, he may grow fond of Rick’s group and help them take care of Negan once and for all. I predict Dwight will ultimately get redemption and sacrifice his life while killing Negan in the process.


15. Gabriel

(photo credit: walkingdead.wikia.com)

(photo credit: walkingdead.wikia.com)


I have been convinced that Father Gabriel would be dying for quite some time now, so I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt in season 7 and say that he has a decent shot at survival. He has finally gained respect with Rick by keeping Judith safe, and has earned his spot in the group. I expect him to hold down the fort at Alexandria while the rest of the crew tries to get revenge on Negan. As a result, he will be safe until Alexandria is attacked, at which point, he will need to prove his worth once again.



14. Tara




Tara is on a supply run with Heath and will be spared from Lucille, but not from the other dangers that are associated with supply runs. Since these runs usually end in turmoil, one of them will probably not make it back alive. Tara still has no idea about the death of her girlfriend, Denise, which means she will be safe until we get to see her reaction to the news. While this does not bode well for Heath, it is pretty safe to say that Tara will make it back to Alexandria, and spend the rest of season 7 grieving.


13. Enid




Enid is a rebellious teen that will listen to no one and do whatever she wants. She has managed to survive for quite some time on her own, but with more and more threats haunting the group, Enid has to learn to listen to her elders, or her luck will eventually run out. Since we all know that Carl has a soft spot in his heart for her, expect them to become even closer once he gets back from Negan’s circle of death, only to have her killed before he can finally seal the deal. This may not happen in season 7, but her clock is ticking, and Carl’s teenage angst will be back with a vengeance thanks to the death of his beloved Enid.
12. Aaron




Sure, Aaron is stuck playing eenie-meenie Russian roulette with Negan, but out of everyone in the group, Aaron is the safest with the obvious exception of Rick and Carl. While Aaron is likable, and his death would be gut-wrenching, it would not be the huge death that the show has been building up for 6 months. Additionally, Aaron’s useless boyfriend, Eric, is still alive, and in no way should someone like Eric outlast someone like Aaron. If things happen the way they should, we should see a mourning Aaron, grieving the loss of his man Eric by the end of season 7.



11. Sasha




We have seen Sasha go through some pretty heavy emotional swings through the past few seasons. Witnessing one of her friends being slaughtered with a baseball bat will no doubt mess with her, but she seems to be already dead inside, so she may heal the fastest, and be ready to start the plan of attack to seek revenge. The idea of killing Negan will light a fire under her ass and her energy will be refocused. Vulnerable Sasha is a thing of the past. She is ready to move up in the ranks of the group and put her leadership skills to the test.


For part 3 (#10-1) click here.

Walking Dead: Odds of Surviving Season 7

With nearly 30 starring and supporting characters, The Walking Dead is among the largest casts on television, which allows for writers to kill anyone they so desire. The Walking Dead has not shied away from killing major stars, and even killing off children. So anyway is fair game, and nobody is safe. As we know, one of the main characters will be killed right off the bat (pun intended.) But, for those that survive the brutal Negan beatdown, who will make it through the season, and whose time in the post-apocalyptic world is drawing to a close.

The following is a spoiler-free countdown of the remaining characters in Alexandria and beyond ranked in order from least to greatest chance of surviving season 7.

29. Tobin

(photo credit: walkingdead.wikia.com)

(photo credit: walkingdead.wikia.com)


Now that Tobin is in bed with Carol, he is the epitome of a dead man walking. Tobin may be just what Carol needs (should she ever return to Alexandria) to bring some joy and normalcy into her life. Unfortunately, for Carol, nobody is allowed to be happy in the Walking Dead universe, so once/when Carol returns to Alexandria, Tobin is toast.

28. Bruce

The face that even a mother can't love, Bruce. (photo credit: http://walkingdead.wikia.com)

The face that even a mother can’t love, Bruce. (photo credit: walkingdead.wikia.com)


The fact that Tobin’s right hand man survived season 6 is astonishing. I am expecting Alexandria to be ambushed soon, and Bruce will be among the casualties that nobody will care about, not even Tobin. After the core group loses one member at the hand of Lucille, Bruce could, theoretically, step up his game and fulfill a more important role in Alexandria, but he won’t. And more than likely, the next time he is in the vicinity of a walker, will be his last.

27. Abraham




There is a solid chance that Abraham could be the victim of Negan’s bat in the premiere episode. However, even if his head is not smashed like a decorative pumpkin on Halloween night, Abraham’s time is likely coming to a heroic end. Of all the main characters, he is the most likely to not make it out of season 7 alive.

26. Glenn




If Glenn does not die in the premiere, I am convinced he will never die. Glenn has escaped more close encounters with death than anyone else. Now that Maggie is pregnant, and ready to pop, Glenn’s legacy will continue with his newborn son (and Judith’s future boyfriend.) But, what better, and gut-wrenching time to kill off the beloved character than days before his child comes into the world?

25. Olivia

(photo: walkingdead.wikia.com)


Olivia’s main purpose was being the Alexandria inventory manager in the supply room. That kind of order can only last for so long in a universe with zombies and wars.

Additionally, Olivia would likely be the slowest member of the heard, and unable to outrun even walkers. If I was in Alexandria, I would befriend Olivia and not let her away from my side. It’s like the old safari rule…. only go on an African safari with at least one companion that you can outrun.

Olivia not only can steal you some extra Oreos from the supply room, but can also save your life by being considerably slower and more out of shape than you. As sweet as Olivia may be, her time in Alexandria is likely quickly coming to a brutal end.



24. Eric

(photo credit: walkingdead.wikia.com)

(photo: walkingdead.wikia.com)


Despite the fact that Aaron’s boyfriend, Eric, never seems to leave the house, it is still surprising that he has made it this far. If Negan ends up killing Aaron in the premiere (which is highly unlikely), we will certainly see Eric’s reaction, and quite possibly see him seek revenge and join in on the war against Negan. If Aaron doesn’t die, I expect Eric to hide in the shadows until his mid-season or season finale death, in which half of the Alexandria nobodies are slaughtered.



23. Heath

(photo credit: http://walkingdead.wikia.com)

(photo: walkingdead.wikia.com)


Heath is one of the few characters that is not playing eenie-meenie-minnie-moe with Negan nor in Alexandria. He is out on a run with Tara, and we all know that no runs EVER go smoothly in Walking Dead world. I expect one of them to not make it back to Alexandria, and between Heath and Tara, Heath is the most likely to bite the bullet.



22. Morgan




The Morgan Vs. Carol storyline is about to take a dramatic turn as they find themselves amidst a new group of people, and I have a suspicious feeling that it will not end well for one of them, and I am predicting Morgan will sacrifice himself for Carol and go out in a blaze of glory.



21. Francine




Quite possibly the most sexy single in Alexandria, Francine has the potential to be more than just a pretty face. She is a hard worker, has solid leadership qualities, and ready to fight to protect Alexandria.

Unless she starts appearing in more storylines soon (i.e. a romance with Eugene, Abraham, Daryl, Negan, Carl, and affair with Glenn, Tara, etc.) expect Francine to be killed off in a Alexandria massacre that is sure to come in season 7.


Click here for #20-11