What Each Survivor: Second Chances Player Needs to do to Survive Episode 4

With 17 Survivors remaining, and the tribes all shook up, some of the castaways are gasping for breathe in boiling hot water, while others are safer than Michael Phelps in a lifejacket floating in a lazy river.

Here is what each of the remaining castaways have to do in order to make it out of episode 4 alive.

(Ranked in order from most likely to least likely to be voted out tonight.)

17. Woo

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(photo credit: cbs.com)

Hell hath no fury like an Abi-Maria scorned. And hell REALLY hath no fury like an Abi-Maria scorned twice. Woo has completely lost any trust that Abi still had with him.

So what can Woo do to save himself?

He has two options. Convince Savage and Tasha that if they have any hopes of winning a pre-merge challenge, they have to keep the tribe strong and vote out Varner. If Savage, Tasha, Varner and Abi are a foursome, they will end up at tribal again next week. If Woo can swing Savage and Tasha, and get rid of Varner, Angkor could be a powerful 4 person tribe.

Or, Woo could search high and low for a hidden immunity idol clue, pull some ninja-like moves at the immunity challenge, and secure himself safety at tribal.

16. Jeff

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(photo credit: cbs.com)

Varner is in the same position as Woo, except for the fact that he has not betrayed Abi, and she will not make it a point to go after him. He does, however, need to convince Savage and Tasha that either Abi is more of a physical challenge liability (not true, but he could give it a shot) or that Woo is more of a mental challenge liability (true.)
Varner needs to give up the hope of simply picking off Savage and Tasha, and focus on putting the target on Abi or Woo. Additionally, he needs to stop playing lip sync battle with the opposing tribes.

15. Stephen

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(photo credit: cbs.com)

Stephen is the biggest wild card in the game, and despite being in the majority “alliance” on his tribe, he could easily be seen as the most disposable. If Kelly isn’t in trouble with her tribe for interacting with Varner at the last immunity challenge, Stephen could be seen as the biggest post-merge mental threat, and get the boot tonight.

To survive tonight, Stephen should forget about his original Bayon allegiances, and try to convince the three girls (Kelly, Monica, and Kimmi) that Spencer and Jeremy will be massive post merge physical threats. Stephen could cruise to the merge with the girls, and eliminate the strong guys one at a time.

He must be extra smooth though, because if Jeremy catches wind of him trying to form an alliance behind his back, he will use his idol and come after Fishbach with a vengeance.

14. Kelly

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(photo credit: cbs.com)

Wiglesworth is getting dangerously close to the bottom of this weekly countdown. I worry for Wigles that her tribe is going to be pissed at her for trying to associate with Varner at the last challenge. The last thing they want is for her to reunite with him at the merge. The best thing for Kelly would be for Varner to get voted out tonight, so her tribe would not have to worry about her making the merge with him.

If Bayon loses immunity tonight, it is likely Stephen or Kelly is getting the boot. Kelly’s only hope would be to convince the others that she is stronger than half of her tribe. If she proposed to Jeremy and Spencer to form a solid four way alliance with the three of them and Kimmi (!), they would have some “wiggle” room to vote off Spencer and Monica and still have a somewhat strong tribe. If Kelly goes, the tribe is down to Jeremy and Spencer as their only strong members.

13. Terry

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(photo credit: cbs.com)

Deitz could be royally screwed tonight if Ta Keo loses immunity. Not only is he in the minority on his tribe, the only other person that is in the minority has immunity. I am assuming the tribe would split their votes between Kelley and Terry in case one of them has immunity, and on a re-vote Deitz would not have a leg to stand on, and would be the first to go from the new Ta Keo.

If I were Deitz, the one thing I would be sure to do, is to keep reminding Joe about the impending merger, and how strong he is. Golden Boy Joe needs as many strong men make the merge as possible, because the more strong guys that are around, the less of a target Joe is. If Deitz can somehow convince Joe and Keith to vote off one of the ladies, the big boys could run this game post merge.

12. Abi-Maria

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(photo credit: cbs.com)

There are many negatives adjectives one could use when describing Abi-Maria. Some may say she is loud, abrasive, opinionated, and argumentative. But with those qualities, comes honesty, and loyalty. Abi-Maria does not hide her feelings, and once she is loyal, she will not screw her allies over.

Tonight, if Angkor loses, the only thing that should get her voted out is if she is persistent on voting out Woo when Savage and Tasha have already decided to vote off Varner. Savage and Tasha may decide to vote with Woo and drop Abi-Maria while they still can. Because if Abi makes the merge, she will be everyone’s best friend that they want to carry to the finals.

11. Monica

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(photo credit: cbs.com)

The good thing for Monica is that it should be impossible for her to get voted out until we hear her speak. Therefore: keep quite and don’t mess up any challenges, and Monica should be just fine. If Monica can fly under the radar for just a few more weeks, and make the merge, she should come out as clean as a whistle when the game turns into a bloodbath in a few weeks.

Monica needs to sit out challenges, so she can’t mess them up. And shut her mouth, so she doesn’t piss anyone off. Additionally, she should keep tight with the ladies, as Wiglesworth desperately needs her right now, and Kimmi is always in need of friends.

10-7, Ciera, Joe, Kass, Keith

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(photo credit: cbs.com)

They are all lumped together, because they are all in a very similar position in the game right now. They are all in the majority alliance on Ta Keo. Even if they lose immunity, the only way they can be voted off is if they do not split the vote between Kelley and Terry. If they split the vote, and Kelley uses her idol (which she will) Terry goes. If they do not split the vote, and Kelley uses her idol (which she will) one of the four of them will be voted out: whoever Kelley chooses (most likely Joe or Ciera, as they could be post merge threats.)

With all the combined Survivor experience that the four of these major players have, there is NO WAY they are not smart enough to split the votes.

Regardless, the odds of them losing an immunity when there are three tribes, is extremely thin. Split the votes, and they will all cruise on to week 5.

6-5. Savage, Tasha

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(photo credit: cbs.com)

What a difference a week can make. While I am pumped up for my man Savage’s epic turn-around, I am not going to get too excited because I am sure it is only a temporary victory.
The ONLY thing Savage and Tasha have to do this week is coddle Abi-Maria. Make her feel special, and make her feel loved. No matter what happens, just go along with what she wants. If Savage and Tasha want to vote out Jeff, but Abi wants to vote out Woo…. WHO CARES…. VOTE OUT WOO. Does it really matter to Savage and Tasha if Woo or Varner is voted out? Just survive a few more weeks, reconnect with the original Bayon, and run this game until the end.

Whatever you do, do not let Woo or Varner find the idol, and do not piss off Abi.

4. Spencer

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(photo credit: cbs.com)

Much like Savage and Tasha, Spencer has found new life in the game. Starting a “bromance” with Jeremy is the best thing that Spencer can do. Jeremy is ruling the roost at Bayon, and as long as he is in his good graces, he will not be going anywhere.
And if one of Jeremy’s alliance members get voted out before the merge (Tasha, Savage, Keith, Joe) except Spencer to be right there to fill the void.

Bottom line: Forget the fact that you told Wiglesworth you were going to form super close relationships with her and the rest of the original Ta Keo tribe two weeks ago. Keep telling Jeremy your “heart-felt” stories about you not loving your girlfriend, and you will be golden.

3. Kimmi

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(photo credit: cbs.com)

Who the hell would have Predicted that:
A) Kimmi would be so safe on a tribe. Ever.
B) Kimmi could be so quiet. Ever.

Apparently these past 14 years have been a major growing experience for Kimmi, as she is basically a complete 180 degrees from the Kimmi we saw back in 2001.

Only advice for Kimmi… If someone wants to wag a finger in your face, or eat chicken, just let them, and slowly walk back to the hammock.

2. Kelley

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(photo credit: cbs.com)

What Kelley needs to do tonight if Ta Keo loses immunity: Use the idol and vote out Keith (Kelley does not know who, if anyone, has the hidden idol.) She should expect, however, that Keith does n

ot even know what a hidden immunity idol is, and therefore, will not play one.
If she can somehow get Keith or Joe out, she has a solid chance at an all-girl alliance at new Ta Keo. And Kelley is in DESPERATE need of an alliance.

1. Jeremy

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(photo credit: cbs.com)

The only thing that Jeremy has to do tonight, is not get caught with his idol. Hide the idol, bury the idol, or stick it up your butt. But, do not get caught with that idol, and Jeremy will continue to dominate Survivor: Second Chances.

Predicting the Cast of Survivor: Second Chances (Women)

For the thirty-first season of Survivor, CBS has decided to let the public vote for their favorite previous castaways that they think deserve a second chance at the game. CBS took the liberty of narrowing the field to 32 castaways, 16 men and 16 women who have only played the game one time, and have been deemed “worthy” of a second chance at a million dollars. While the pool of potential castaways has some noticeable omissions, (more on that later) at least there is a wide range of castaways eligible. Unlike many “All-Star” Reality TV seasons whose cast is heavy on contestants from recent seasons, there is a strong likelihood that Survivor: Second Chances will include castaways that haven’t been seen on our screens since 2000-2001, which is a lifetime by Reality TV standards.

The following are the sixteen women, ranked in order of least to most likely to return, competing for your votes to play the game one more time.

16. Mikayla Wingle, Season 23: Survivor South Pacific

Mikayla Wingle, the most unlikely returnee for season 31 of Survivor.

Mikayla Wingle, the most unlikely returnee for season 31 of Survivor. (photo credit: cbs.com)

It is easy to understand why CBS thinks that Mikayla deserves a second chance. She was placed on a tribe with a less-than-stable Hantz, who is the reason why she was voted off pre-jury in season 23. What is difficult to understand, however, is how the vast majority of the general public will remember who she is. Unless she somehow gets the support from her one-time boss, Hugh Hefner, Mikayla will be watching season 31 from her living room.


15. Stephanie Valencia, Survivor 22: Redemption Island

Stephanie will likely lose her spot to female castaways that played the villain even better than she did.  (photo credit: CBS Broadcasting Inc.)

Stephanie Valencia will likely lose her spot to female castaways that played the villain even better than she did. (photo credit: CBS Broadcasting Inc.)

Stephanie was known for two things during her stint on season 22; being Russell Hantz’s biggest supporter, which ultimately managed to land her in 14th place, and being the female villain of the season. She succeeded at the latter, and was disliked by her tribe, as well as the majority of viewers. While being known as a Survivor villain is generally a lock for getting you on another season, Stephanie is up against two other female villains (see #’s 2 and 3) that would make her look like Little Red Riding Hood compared to them. Therefore, she will not make the cut.


14. Natalie Tenerelli, Survivor 22: Redemption Island

Natalie T

It is likely that Natalie Tenerelli (above) did not stand out enough on her season to receive enough votes for her to return to season 31. (photo credit: cbs.com)

At 19 years old, Natalie Tenerelli is the youngest female to ever have played Survivor, and the youngest player to ever make the final 3. Unfortunately for Natalie, she was so far in Boston Rob’s shadow, that you could barely see her. She defines what it means to ride coattails to the end of the game. Even the jury of her peers didn’t remember her, as she received zero votes to win. She is well liked sweet, and beautiful, but completely forgettable; which is detrimental when you need the public’s vote.


13. Sabrina Thompson, Survivor 24: One World

Sabrina T

We know Sabrina Thompson has what it takes to make it to the end of the game, but she may not have what it takes to give it another attempt. (photo credit: cbs.com)

Sabrina played a near flawless game her first time around. The only thing she did wrong is allow herself to go to the final 3 with Kim Spradlin, who is one of the greatest players the game has ever seen. The question is, does the public feel as though we will get anything new from Sabrina, should she be invited back. We saw her game, and it was great, but do we need to see it again? Doubtful.

12. Monica Padilla, Survivor 19: Samoa

Monica Padilla is vying for one of the coveted "young, beautiful woman in a small bikini" spots on season 31 of Survivor. (photo: CBS.com)

Monica Padilla is vying for one of the coveted “young, beautiful woman in a small bikini” spots on season 31 of Survivor. (photo credit: CBS.com)

Monica Padilla was part of one of the biggest tribal collapses in the history of Survivor. Her tribe went into the merge with a 8-4 advantage over the other tribe. They were so disastrous that they ended up finishing 12th-6th, and 4th place. Monica ended up in 6th place, but fought hard until the end, and never gave up. Not many people are remembered from her season, because it was the season of Russell Hantz, but Monica is a surprising but solid choice by CBS. Unfortunately, for her, she will be splitting votes with the other 4 young, pretty brunettes, and she may not gain enough support to return for season 31.


11. Peih-Gee Law, Survivor 15: China

peih-gee l

CBS decides that Peih-Gee Law (above) deserves a second chance, sixteen seasons after she appeared in season 15, set in China. (photo credit: cbs.com)

Peih-Gee Law became a breakout star in Survivor: China back in season 15. She was outspoken, and confrontational, which was welcomed entertainment in an otherwise boring season. Peih-Gee became an underdog that many people rooted for, and finished the season in a respectful 5th place.

Bottom Line:

If CBS has a significant amount of pull in who gets casted, then expect to see Peih-Gee make the final cut. If, however, the vote is weighed heavier by the public vote, Peih-Gee will likely not receive the public support. The combination of a lackluster, non-popular season, coupled with the fact that it aired eight years ago, may be more strikes than Peih-Gee can overcome.


Predicted 10 Females for Cast of Survivor 31: Second Chances

10. Kelley Wentworth, Survivor 29: San Juan Del Sur

Kelley Wentworth wants to play Survivor again, but this time, without her grumpy father. (photo: cbs.com)

Kelley Wentworth wants to play Survivor again, but this time, without her grumpy father. (photo credit: cbs.com)

Kelley Wentworth was voted out last season, in large part, because of her father with whom she has had quite a tumultuous relationship. Kelley could have been a contender last season, but the Blood vs. Water twist shortened her time, and landed her a pre-jury boot.

Kelley has two things going for her with this vote:

1) She was just on last season and fresh in the minds of even the casual Survivor viewer.

2) She is the only young blonde girl vying for the sexy girl in a bikini spot. As ridiculous as that sounds, it is likely all of her brunette competitors will be splitting votes with each other, (i.e. Mikayla, Stephanie, Monica, Natalie, Ciera) and Kelley will find herself getting all the votes from those that prefer blondes.


9. Teresa T-Bird Cooper, Survivor 3: Africa

Teresa "T-Bird" Cooper may finally get the second chance, 27 seasons in the making. (photo credit: cbs.com)

Teresa “T-Bird” Cooper may finally get the second chance, 27 seasons in the making. (photo credit: cbs.com)

The idea of T-Bird getting a second chance, is almost too exciting to put into words. Way back in season 3: Africa, she was a great strategic player, and was not given the credit she deserves. Survivor: Africa, while nowhere near as popular as its two predecessors, was still quite a phenomenon, and many members of those casts are still fondly remembered today. Hopefully enough long-time fans can remember how great she played the game the first time around, and will vote for her to return.


8. Tasha Fox, Survivor 28: Cagayan

tasha fox

Tasha Fox, formally part of “The Brains” team on Survivor: Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty, may  be smart enough to get people to vote for her to return for Survivor: Second Chances (photo credit: cbs.com)

It was nearly impossible to not root for Tasha Fox on last spring’s Survivor: Cagayan. She was part of “The Brains” tribe, which ended up making more awful decisions than the Beauty and Brawns tribes combined. She was a fierce competitor, winning three individual immunity challenges in a row, which a female has not accomplished since season 7.

Tasha is likable, intelligent, competitive, strong, and a huge fan of the game. Having had her season air just last year, there is a good chance that Tasha will gain enough support to give her another shot at the title of Sole Survivor.


7. Carolyn Rivera, Survivor 30: Worlds Apart

Carolyn Rivera, currently in the final 6 of Survivor: Worlds Apart, could potentially be back on our screens in September. (photo credit: cbs.com)

Carolyn Rivera, currently in the final 6 of Survivor: Worlds Apart, could potentially be back on our screens in September. (photo credit: cbs.com)

Being one of only two woman in her fifties that made the top 32, Carolyn Rivera may have an edge on her fifty-something competitor, Teresa Cooper; Carolyn is currently on Survivor: Worlds Apart. This means that Carolyn is at the peak of her popularity, and has plenty of Twitter followers and Facebook fans. Teresa was on Survivor in 2001, WAY before Twitter, Facebook and other social media.

The one caveat with Carolyn, however, is that she is one of two contestants in the top 32 that may actually be ineligible to participate next season. Since this is a “Second Chances” season, if Carolyn happens to win Worlds Apart, she will be disqualified from the poll, and if she finished in the top ten vote getters, the eleventh place female will take her spot on Second Chances. 

Bottom Line:

It is likely she will be voted in, as she is a great game player. There is, however, pretty much a 50/50 chance of her winning the game at this point, so we may not be seeing her play again just yet.


6. Shirin Oskooi, Survivor 30: Worlds Apart

Shirin Oskooi, who finished in 8th place on this seasons  "Survivor Worlds Apart", will likely give it another go on Survivor: Second Chances. (photo credit: CBS)

Shirin Oskooi, who finished in 8th place on this seasons “Survivor Worlds Apart”, will likely give it another go on “Survivor: Second Chances”. (photo credit: CBS)

The timing of this vote could not have come at a better time for Shirin. She was voted off the current season just two weeks ago, and she has been the center of a lot of the Survivor buzz this season, particularly the past few weeks. If nothing else, she is controversial, and most importantly, memorable. Love her or hate her, she will be remembered.

This bodes very well for Oskooi, as she is still very much a part of the current season, which will surely garner her a magnitude of votes.


5. Ciera Eastin, Survivor 27: Blood Vs. Water

Ciera E

Ciera Eastin ditches her mother, former two time Survivor contestant, Laura Morett, this season, for the opportunity to see what she can do on her own. (photo credit: cbs.com)

Ciera Eastin was an out of nowhere, breakout star in Survivor: Blood Vs. Water. She famously voted off her own mother at Tribal Council, and chose to pick rocks at the final 6, rather than vote with people she no longer wanted to be aligned with. CBS would not be foolish enough to not include Ciera on Second Chances, and the public would be just as foolish to not vote for her every day until the polls close.


4. Kimmi Kappenberg, Survivor 2: Australian Outback

Kimmi Kappenberg appeared on Survivor back in 2001, and has all but disappeared from the spotlight since the show aired. (photo credit: CBS)

Kimmi Kappenberg appeared on Survivor back in 2001, and has all but disappeared from the spotlight since the show aired. (photo credit: CBS)

A whole new generation is potentially about to experience the loud mouth, over the top, vegetarian from Long Island, NY, and there is at least one person out there that is willing to create hundreds of fake email address every day, just to vote her back on.

If Kimmi Kappenberg is on next season, and we don’t see a challenge where the reward is chickens, there will be hell to pay.


3. Abi-Maria Gomes, Survivor 25: Philippines

abi maria

Can Abi-Maria Gomes top her evilness from season 25? We will likely get that answer in September. (photo credit: CBS)

Perhaps the biggest female villain in the history of the show, Abi-Maria Gomes will play this game again, that is all but guaranteed. She was so hated by her tribemates, and the American public, that she received the nickname “the demon.”

With that being said, CBS LOVES villains, and I am sure they have been chomping at the bit to get Abi-Maria back on the island, to see if she is still as evil as she was back in season 25.

She may not get the public vote, but will will certainly have CBS’s vote, and that may be all that matters.


2. Kass McQuillen, Survivor 28: Cagayan

Kass McQuillen is a lock for "Survivor: Second Chances"

Kass McQuillen is a lock for “Survivor: Second Chances” (photo credit: CBS)

If anyone can play a better villain than Abi-Maria, it is this woman, Kass. She is the epitome of a Survivor villain, and that is why she will be back for her second chance. She is unlikable and brutally mean, but is entertaining and buzz-worthy. Not only will she return, but she could be one of the main factors in why this season is happening in the first place. #ChaosKass will be shoved in your face, and the hash tag will be shoved down your throat for as long as CBS can keep their evil queen around.  Which hopefully, won’t be long.


1. Kelly Wiglesworth, Survivor: Borneo

After 15 years, Reality TV's original "rat", Kelly Wiglesworth will be back on our TV screens in September. (photo credit: CBS)

After 15 years, Reality TV’s original “rat”, Kelly Wiglesworth will be back on our TV screens in September. (photo credit: CBS)

Prayers have been answered, and dreams are coming true. Kelly Wiglesworth, the original “rat”, is playing the game again after 15 years. It is widely rumored that Wiglesworth has never seen an episode of Survivor, including her own original season. She is just too cool to be bothered.

Kelly “River Guide” Wiglesworth is playing Survivor, 30 seasons after she helped make it a phenomenon, and Survivor fans couldn’t be more excited. She is a Survivor legend, and it is time to see if she has what it takes to finally win it all.


In case you were wondering, I will be throwing my votes to the following ladies.

Kelly Wiglesworth, Kimmi Kappenberg, Teresa “T-Bird Cooper” Tasha Fox, Kelley Wentworth, Monica Padilla, Ciera Eastin, Shirin Oskooi, Carolyn Rivera, and Peih-Gee Law


Be on the lookout for the top 16 men tomorrow.