Ranking the Cast of Survivor Kaoh Rong: Brains Vs Brawn Vs Beauty 2 (Part 3)

Click here for part 1. (18-13)
Click here for part 2. (12-7)

The 6 Castaways Most Likely to Win Survivor: Kaoh Rong

6. Tai (Beauty Tribe)

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(photo credit: cbs.com)

Tai is a 51 year old gay Asian gardener from San Francisco, and you will fall in love with him seconds after you hear him talk. He is gentle, kind, humorous, and as lovable as they come.
Much like Yau Man from Survivor: Fiji and Survivor: Micronesia, Tai will be adored by America, but also by all of his tribe mates. Despite being a very small man, he will excel in the tribal challenges. But, if these castaways are smart, they will give him the boot just before the finals, as he would certainly beat anyone in a final vote.

5. Jennifer (Brawn Tribe)

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Jennifer is bad ass. She has survived cancer, battled drug addiction, and has started her own construction technology company all by the age of 38. Jennifer, or Lanzetti, as she will eventually be called by Probst, will be seen as a massive threat once the tribes split as the beauty and brains girls will be (and should be) massively intimidated by her.
If she does not form solid bonds with the guys, she will have to tone down her strength and befriend the beauty girls. If she can do this, she has a decent shot at winning the game. But, if her pride prevents her from being girly-girly with the beauty girls, I expect her to be gone early merge.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: She is BY FAR the coolest girl in the game, but will be taken out soon after the merge due to her physical and mental dominance. (Hopefully I am wrong and she makes the finals, as she would have a very good shot at winning a jury vote.)


4. Kyle (Brawn Tribe)

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Kyle could be the dark horse of Kaoh Rong. He is super intimidating based on his physical appearance, but if he builds relationships with his tribemates, he could emerge as a leader. If he can lead his tribe to victory and head into the merge with the numbers, I expect him to play a good enough game to get him to the finals.
On the other hand, I can also see him kind of giving up should his alliance be in the minority at any point. If he does not have the numbers going into the merge, he will pull a Russell Hantz and destroy camp, leaving the tribe with no other option but to vote him out.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Early jury. But, if he can take control of a post merge alliance, he has a decent shot at winning.

3. Joe (Brains Tribe)

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I am not sure if I placed Joe this high because I truly believe that he can win the game, or because I like him so much. Joe is the modern day Rudy, but in much better shape, and much more capable of fitting in with the younger crowd.

Joe, the former FBI Agent, is 72 years old, but I do not expect his age to be a factor in physical challenges. On top of that, he is so damn likable that I can not imagine a tribe voting him off unless they HAVE to. The only thing that concerns me about Joe is the harsh conditions the castaways are said to have endured this season. Hopefully Joe’s body can hold up in the brutal Cambodian environment.

While I want Joe to win, I believe, like Tai, that the castaways would be foolish to let him near a final 3 vote. I expect him to get very far, but voted out right before the final three battle it out for the jury’s vote.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Joe will be one of the final jury members. If, for some reason, they do not vote him out, he could easily win the jury’s vote. And will.


2. Michele (Beauty Tribe)

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Michele screams winner to me. The problem is…. someone else screams winner to me as well. I expect Michele and Anna to team up and dominate this game. Michele is gorgeous, intelligent, well-traveled, seemingly modest, and self aware. She will be the cool girl of the camp, and in control of the vote throughout the season.
She may, however, take the blame for a lot of the blindsides, and her ally, Anna, who will be a bit more under the radar, will come through unscathed. I liken them to if Jerri and Amber played a little better game in the Outback. Jerri (Michele) would have taken all the heat, and Amber (Anna) would have cruised to the end and won.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Michelle will make it to the end of the game, and come up JUST short of winning (I am predicting she will lose by just one vote.)

1. Anna (Beauty Tribe)

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(photo credit: cbs.com)

Like Michele, Anna has a lot going for her. She is beautiful, intelligent, and seems exceptionally kind-hearted. Being a poker player, she easily c

ould have been on the Brains tribe as well.
I expect Anna to team up with the girls and vote out all the big guys once the merge happens. I also expect her to sit back just enough and let her allies be the “face” of the alliance, which would put the target (and blame) on all of them before herself. She should cruise to the end of the game, and be able to convince the jury why they should vote for her to be the next sole survivor.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Not only do I think Anna will win the game, but I think she will do so without receiving any votes against her all season.


Don’t miss the season premiere of Survivor Kaoh Rong: Brains Vs Brawn Vs Beauty 2 tonight on CBS to see if my predictions come true. Have predictions of your own. Leave them in the comments below.

Ranking the Cast of Survivor Kaoh Rong: Brains Vs. Brawn. Vs. Beauty 2 (Part 2)

For part 1 click here.

The remaining castaways (ranked in order of least to most likely to win.)

12. Scot (Brawn Tribe)

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Standing at 6’11” and weighing 310 lbs, is Scot Pollard, the former NBA Champion, and official tallest castaway to ever play Survivor. Scot is a self-proclaimed “cave man”, but comes across as a gentle giant. In fact, he seems so gentle, almost to the point where he is going to bore us to tears. Scot is under the impression that he can still win the game despite the fact that he already has a lot of money, which is not the case, as there is no way a jury would award a multi-millionaire another million dollars unless they REALLY played an amazing game. And that is not happening with Scot.

On a positive note, he does has a bit of a personality as Scot was known for having some crazy hairstyles back in his NBA days, and even got in trouble once for looking into the camera during a time out and saying “Hey kids, do drugs” because he didn’t think the camera was rolling, which is hysterical. Let’s just hope that is the Scot that plays Survivor, and not the boring, scripted Scot that was seen in his introductory video.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Scot will not be able to hide once the tribes merge, and will be one of the first members of the jury.

11. Peter (Brains Tribe)

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Barack Obama look alike, Dr. Peter, is a quadruple threat. He is smart, good looking, physically fit, and seems like an all around nice guy. He will excel in both physical and mental challenges, and as a doctor, should be able to form solid bonds with people from all walks of life.

Peter, however, will try to make big moves too early, and will get caught up in the process. While nowhere near as arrogant as Nick, Peter’s confidence could come across as arrogance if he is not careful, which will lead to the woman bonding together to hash up a plan to vote him out. His physical and mental abilities will be an asset for the first few votes, but I expect the castaways to see Peter as the number one threat early on, and do anything they can to vote him out before he can make the merge and cruise to he end of the game.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION – Voted out right before the merge, or one of the first jury members

10. Darnell (Brawn Tribe)

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Darnell, the skinniest “Brawn” of all time,  is going to be the comic relief of the tribe. His strength will be his social skills, and his humor will keep him around until the merge.
Expect to see many confessionals from Darnell explaining how he is not doing this for himself, but rather, doing it for all the children in the projects that he is showing that they, too, can one day be chosen for Survivor and compete for a million dollars. I never understood how being on a reality tv show is a way of proving to a demographic/generation that you can amount to something special, but what do I know?

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Darnell will make the merge, but fall short of the final tribal council, much like Sean Rector from Survivor: Marquesas, whom Darnell stereotypically likens himself to.  6th place finish.


9. Cydney (Brawn Tribe)

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Cydney is the embodiment of a Brawn tribe member. As a 23 year old professional body builder, Cydney clearly has the dedication, determination and drive to stick it out for 39 days. It is always concerning, however, when someone labels themselves as “opinionated”, as Cydney has on her questionnaire. Sometimes being opinionated is a good thing, but when playing Survivor, if you are as physically intimidating as Cydney, and overly opinionated on top of that (plus she is only 23 years old), her tribe may be turned off by her quickly.

I expect Cydney to be voted out very early on, or make it to the finals, as people will want to take her to the end because they will not think she will have a shot to win.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Cydney will make the final 3, and receive zero votes to become the sole Survivor.

8. Neal (Brains Tribe)

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If I had to choose any of the guys to have a beer with, it would be Neal. He seems like he is someone that would be a lot of fun to be around, and not take himself too seriously. Neal is a smart guy that has created a wildly successful ice cream company from the ground up. He is a fan of the show, and seems like he would not have a problem stabbing his tribemates in the back if it would advance him any further in the game.

I fear though, that once the merge happens, Neal will be playing a bit too hard, and will be the victim of an all girls alliance that sees him as their biggest remaining threat. He may not be a fan favorite, but I predict he will be my favorite, and I will be super bummed when he is voted out mid jury. If, however, he is as good as I think he potentially could be, and makes the final three, he would blow away anyone else in a final vote, and win this season: hands down.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: 8th place. BUT, if he makes the finals, he will be the winner.

7. Aubry (Brains Tribe)

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Aubry is a wild card. If this likable Social Media Marketer, from Cambridge, MA can keep up with her tribe for the first few weeks, and help her tribe win immunities, she will sail to the end of the game. But if she become a tribal challenge liability, she could be one of the first to be voted out.

It is highly unlikely that she will spend a lengthy amount of time on the jury, as she will either be voted out pre jury, or voted out days before the finals. Hopefully, based on her intro video, it is the latter.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: 15th place is she sucks in physical challenges. 4th place if she doesn’t suck in physical challenges.

For the final part of the countdown (6-1) click here.

Ranking the Cast of Survivor Kaoh Rong: Brains Vs. Brawn Vs. Beauty 2

After the epic 31st season of Survivor, the cast of Survivor: Kaoh Rong has the tremendously difficult task of living up to its predecessor. So what better way to make sure it is a successful season than to bring back an old twist?  After all, it worked so well with Blood Vs. Water 2. Yes, that is an attempt at sarcasm.

The promos are promising this to be the most brutal season of all time, with multiple injuries, evacuations, and mid-challenge “Probst pauses” to check on boo boos attained by the castaways. And what better time than right after the football season has ended. Survivor: Kaoh Rong will be just what you need to fill the missing gap in your life of watching people get injured. Only now, instead of screaming at your TV “JUST ROLL HIM OFF THE FIELD AND CARRY ON WITH THE GAME.” You can scream “JUST ROLL THEM OFF TO THE SIDE AND FINISH THE IMMUNITY CHALLENGE.”

After countless hours of watching the cast’s video introductions on cbs.com (which I had to suffer through watching the same Valentine’s commercial about being in love with your best friend 18 times in row) I feel as though I am prepared to make my bold predictions as to who will win the thirty-second installment of televisions longest running competitive reality show. Can I publicly predict the winner 2 years in a row? You’re damn right I can.

Introducing the Survivor: Kaoh Rong castaways (ranked in order of the likelihood of them winning season 32) AS ALWAYS: ALL COUNTDOWNS ARE SPOILER FREE AND BASED SOLELY ON THE OPINION OF THE AUTHOR. Should you have your hands on any spoilers, please take them elsewhere.

18. Nick (Beauty Tribe)

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I certainly hope that this is just a case of somebody playing it up for the camera during interviews, because based on his intro video, this guy seems to be one of the least likable people that has ever played the game.

First off, he is a “life coach” and during his interview he basically says that his job is a bunch of B.S. and that the things he “coaches” his clients through is just common sense. He then goes on to share that he is really good at pretending to care what other people are saying because he has to pretend that he cares what his clients are telling him. I am sure that his clients love hearing that he could not care any less about them and thinks they lack any and all common sense.

There is no chance. Literally not a shot in hell, that this guy wins this game. He may stick around for a while based on the fact that he is one of only 2 strong alpha males on his tribe, but he could have the strength of the Incredible Hulk and his tribe would still vote him off eventually for being so arrogant and pompous.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION- He is voted out before the merge, and will be blindsided by the ladies of the tribe. The same ones that he thinks he has wrapped around his finger.

17. Alecia (Brawn Tribe)

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The fact that Alecia is 24 and has seemingly completed her bucket list already, is quite impressive. She seems like she is determined to prove her strength and does not back down from confrontation. This may not bode to well for Alecia on the Brawn tribe. The other 2 females on her tribe are much bigger and tougher than she is. Her “I’m a tough girl because I do adventurous activities, and am an adrenaline junkie” persona may work in the real world, but I don’t expect it to hold up enough to be a valuable asset to the Brawn tribe.

If she can survive long enough to merge with the other tribes, I can see her aligning with some of the Brains or Beauty girls, but if the Brawn tribe loses even one immunity challenge before any swaps or merges, Alecia is toast.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION – Pre Merge. First off the Brawn tribe. If they do not lose, she will survive a few more weeks, but will be out early merge for being seen as a flipper for trying to go against her former Brawn tribe that she couldn’t stand.

16. Caleb (Beauty Tribe)

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(photo credit: cbs.com)

Big Brother’s Beast Mode Cowboy is back to try his hand at another reality show. If you watched Caleb on Big Brother you know that he is a nice guy. He is also funny, loyal, handsome, and genuine (And if you didn’t know that, I am sure he will tell you a few times during episode 1.) But you also may know that he does not have all that much going on upstairs (and if you didn’t know that, I am sure you will see proof of that many times during episode 1.)

I expect Caleb to play Survivor the same way he played Big Brother. He will be loyal to a fault to his alliance, but he will not make bold enough moves to win the game. The first time that his alliance is not in the majority, Caleb will likely be voted off. He will be a challenge threat, he will be a threat to win in the finals due to how likable he is, and he will be seen as a threat simply for playing Big Brother before.

If, by some miracle he is in the final 3, the jury will love him, and that is always a huge plus. But likability aside, will he be able to articulate to a jury why he should win the game? Very, very unlikely.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Caleb will be out around the merge. And at the reunion, Probst will make it a point to force Caleb to explain how much harder it is to play Survivor than Big Brother. 

15. Julia (Beauty Tribe)

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Julia is 18 years old. EIGHTEEN. As she explained in her interview, less than one year ago she was sitting in a classroom raising her hand to ask her teachers if she could use the bathroom.

While Julia is certainly well-traveled and has a significant amount of life experiences for someone of her age, she is going to be way out of her league for the harsh elements that are supposedly in store for her in Cambodia. She could be in danger of going home pre merge, should her tribe lose a few times, but I expect her to make it mid jury, and be the last of her alliance to be voted out, as she will not be seen as much of a threat.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTIONS: Mid jury, I’ll go with 7th place. Should she make it to the end of the game, it will be because someone carried her there. She will not be the mastermind behind any big game moves, and therefore, I have a very hard time seeing a scenario in which a jury would reward a quasi-deserving 18 year old with a million dollars.

14. Debbie (Brains Tribe)

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Despite being the oldest woman in the game, Debbie will not be a challenge liability. She seems to be extraordinarily educated, and in great physical shape. The issue Debbie will have is her social game. Will she be able to fit in with the younger crowd?Debbie seems to be a bit of an oddball. (Her biggest pet peeve is the idolization of garish). Umm, what the….

She reminds me of Denise, winner of Survivor: Philippines, except for the fact that Denise was a bit more down to Earth, and blended in a bit more than Debbie will. If she can manage to form some bonds with some of the younger guys, like Denise, she could cruise to the end of the game, and have a very good shot at winning it all. If, however, she does not focus on her relationships, she could find herself being voted out in no time.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Debbie is a complete wild card that will determine her own fate simply by her relationships with the tribe. If she fails to form bonds, which is what I am leaning towards at the moment, she will be out immediately, maybe even first.

13. Elisabeth (Brains Tribe)

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Elisabeth is going into the game with the expectation of being a villain. While that may mean that she will not be scared to make some big moves, I don’t see it working out too well for her. She will try to make too many big moves, and will get caught. She may be too intelligent for her own good (she got a perfect score on her SAT’s) as she may think that her intelligence in real life will help her fool her competitors in the game.
Her intelligence may help her figure out some puzzles quickly, but will have nothing to do with helping people want to align with someone that they don’t perceive as loyal. She will flirt with all of the boys, but the only thing that will do is make the girls distrust her more, and work harder to get her voted off.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Pre merge – early merge. Maybe even the first one booted from the merged tribe.

Part 2 (#12-7) Click Here.

Head over to cbs.com to see the castaways for yourself and make your own predictions. Agree with the predictions? Disagree? Comment below and let us hear what you have to say.