Viall is no stranger to finding love on television, as this is now the fourth dating show that his handsome mug has appeared on. He finished as the runner up in two seasons of The Bachelorette, and made it all the way to the finale in this summer’s Bachelor in Paradise.
While Viall is 36, the cast of ladies this season is littered with twenty-somethings, many of which are in their early twenties. Additionally, the cast of woman this year is by far the most diverse cast in the history of the franchise. If ABC can’t find a minority leading lady for next season’s The Bachelorette from this cast, they likely never will.
The following is a 100% SPOILER-FREE ranking of the thirty ladies in order of the least likely to most likely to win the heart of Nick, based ONLY on their profile picture and short bio of ridiculous answers to even more ridiculous questions.
The Ladies of The Bachelor 21: I Need Some Nick In My Life
30. Hailey, 23 – Photographer
Hailey is definitely not ranked last because she in unattractive, because that is certainly not the case. In fact, none of the ladies are unattractive because if they were, they wouldn’t be on The Bachelor 21. She is ranked last because she has the bitchiest bio picture in 21 seasons of show. Hailey is a photographer, so she must have been well aware of how she looked when taking the picture. She probably even looked at the proofs and said to the photographer, “Let me give you a little bit bitchier.”
Also, when asked by the producers if she was a romantic, her response was, “No. I’m very passionate and can be intense but I’m not into making out all the time and being sang to.” There is less than a zero percent chance that Nick Viall will ever pick a woman that is not romantic. Sure, Hailey easily could have won Juan Pablo’s Bachelor season, but she will only be on this season for the drama. And once the producers have squeezed every last drop of drama out of her, they will allow Nick to dramatically send her home on a two-on-one date (coincidentally being beaten out by her number one rival.)
29. Jaimi, 28 – Chef
Strikes against Jaimi:
- Her tattoos are……. “Forever Smiles,” “To Die For,” and get this… a symbol of her initials. Her own initials. Is it just me, or is that very bizarre to have a tattoo of your own initials?
- When she wants to impress a guy, she bench presses him with her legs. I will bet my life that one of the only shots we see of Jaimi and Nick interacting will be of Jaimi attempting to bench press Nick with her legs on night one. Then of him hugging her goodbye.
- She refers to herself as a Pesco-Pollo-Lacto-Ovo-Paro-Tarian. And she wonders why she is single.
28. Josephine, 24 – Unemployed Nurse
Out of all the contestants, Tori Spelling…… I mean, Josephine looks most like she is heading to the prom. I am no hair and makeup expert, but her hair looks like it took hours to perfect. Good for Josephine that she wants to look good for Nick, but couple her prom hair-do with her over-the-top diamond necklace, and it looks like Josephine will be more concerned with playing dress up than focusing on finding love.
27. Ida Marie, 23 – Sales Manager
Ida Marie had absolutely no problem answering the question, “If you could be any fruit or vegetable what would you be?” Her response: “Strawberry – they are sexual and taste great with wine.”
However when asked the arduous question of “What is your favorite book of all time and why?” she was stumped. Her response: “I need to read more books.”
Ida Marie couldn’t even think of one book ever written. Therefore her response to the question “Who is your favorite author?” will not come as a surprise to you… “Again, I need to read more books.”
26. Taylor, 23 – Mental Health Counselor
Taylor is 23 years old, but looks like she is in high school in her bio pic. And her answer of what she hates when her date does only confirms that she is way too young for Nick. She hates when her date only talks about himself OR only asks about her.
Might I recommend Taylor’s gift to Nick on opening night be a speaker’s staff, which was used by indigenous peoples of aboriginal democracies in order to indicate whose turn it was to be allowed to speak.

A modern day talking stick that may be used in an elementary school classroom to indicate who has to shut the hell up. (photo credit:

After patiently awaiting his turn to speak, a Kwakwaka’wakw man is about to spill all the juicy drama going around the tribe now that he has his Speaker’s Staff. (photo credit: Edward J. Curtis)
And the nail in the coffin for why she is way too young for Nick is because she says that one of the ways she tries to impress a guy is to “look bomb.” Nick is 36. Does he really want his wife to say she looks bomb? Of course not.
25. Alexis, 23 – Aspiring Dolphin Trainer
Alexis looks like she is about to cry from being forced to smile for the photographer for so long. She looks exactly like I look when I am waiting for a picture to be taken and the person taking my picture is taking way too long to take the damn picture. I can actually hear her saying “Hurry-The-F@*K-UP” just by looking at her picture.
Alexis is 23 years old whose occupation is “Aspiring Dolphin Trainer.” When asked what fictional character she would be, her response was “The Little Mermaid. Who doesn’t want to be a mermaid?” Ummm, I know who doesn’t want to be a mermaid, Alexis…! And you know who else…..
24. Briana, 28 – Surgical Unit Nurse
The reason Briana is ranked so low is because I think she is lying about her entire life. I was 100% convinced that her occupation was going to be “NFL Cheerleader.” Or at least “Former College Cheerleader.” Or “Cheerleading Coach.” Or possibly even “Aspiring NFL Cheerleading Coach.”
But she didn’t mention cheerleading ONE SINGLE TIME in her bio. She didn’t list Bring It On as her favorite movie. Nor does she mention pom-poms as one of the five things she can’t live without. And she didn’t even mention being a member of the bronze medalists team in the 2010 National Cheer and Dance Competition as her biggest accomplishment to date.
Therefore, she is lying. And Nick doesn’t want, or deserve liars in his life.
23. Jasmine G, 29 – Pro Basketball Dancer
Jasmine G seems like a cool enough girl. But if she wins the lottery, the first thing she would buy would be socks because she can never find them. That means one of two things: either Jasmine G ‘s bedroom is extraordinarily messy, or her bedroom is extraordinarily messy. Get your shit together, Jasmine G.
Additionally, there are two Jasmine’s that look similar, so in order to avoid any confusion, Nick will eliminate one Jasmine very early on and my money is on one-sock Jasmine.
22. Dominique, 25 – Restaurant Server
Dominique has some of the most perfect answers to the stupid questions that ABC thinks has anything to do with finding love. If she had to be an animal, she would be a bird because she loves to travel, and she would be able to see the world. Great answer. If she had to be a fruit, she would be a pineapple because she is hard on the outside and sweet on the inside. Especially great answer if she was trying to be risqué.
Unfortunately, Dominique may be too sweet to stand out from the divas and get lost in the shuffle. Additionally, she is a restaurant server living in L.A. (i.e. she is an aspiring something.) You know what that means: Nick and the other ladies will not be able to help but wonder if she is “there for the right reasons” and Nick will release this bird from her cage and she will be able to spread her wings and fly right back down the road to her LA home.
21. Brittany, 26 – Travel Nurse
Brittany’s answers to her questionnaire must have been so boring that they decided to use the valuable real estate space to include the riveting question of “How much do you like camping?” in her bio. Her response: “A lot! As long as it’s not cold outside.”
Another fascinating question the producers included, “Do you prefer team sports or solo sports and why?” This resulted in the most painfully boring answer you could imagine: “Team: I love some competition and it makes it more exciting and a good time.”
God. Help. Nick.
For Ladies #20-16 Click Here.