Ranking the Cast of Survivor Kaoh Rong: Brains Vs Brawn Vs Beauty 2 (Part 3)

Click here for part 1. (18-13)
Click here for part 2. (12-7)

The 6 Castaways Most Likely to Win Survivor: Kaoh Rong

6. Tai (Beauty Tribe)

(photo credit: cbs.com)

(photo credit: cbs.com)

Tai is a 51 year old gay Asian gardener from San Francisco, and you will fall in love with him seconds after you hear him talk. He is gentle, kind, humorous, and as lovable as they come.
Much like Yau Man from Survivor: Fiji and Survivor: Micronesia, Tai will be adored by America, but also by all of his tribe mates. Despite being a very small man, he will excel in the tribal challenges. But, if these castaways are smart, they will give him the boot just before the finals, as he would certainly beat anyone in a final vote.

5. Jennifer (Brawn Tribe)

(photo credit: cbs.com)

(photo credit: cbs.com)

Jennifer is bad ass. She has survived cancer, battled drug addiction, and has started her own construction technology company all by the age of 38. Jennifer, or Lanzetti, as she will eventually be called by Probst, will be seen as a massive threat once the tribes split as the beauty and brains girls will be (and should be) massively intimidated by her.
If she does not form solid bonds with the guys, she will have to tone down her strength and befriend the beauty girls. If she can do this, she has a decent shot at winning the game. But, if her pride prevents her from being girly-girly with the beauty girls, I expect her to be gone early merge.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: She is BY FAR the coolest girl in the game, but will be taken out soon after the merge due to her physical and mental dominance. (Hopefully I am wrong and she makes the finals, as she would have a very good shot at winning a jury vote.)


4. Kyle (Brawn Tribe)

(photo credit: cbs.com)

Kyle could be the dark horse of Kaoh Rong. He is super intimidating based on his physical appearance, but if he builds relationships with his tribemates, he could emerge as a leader. If he can lead his tribe to victory and head into the merge with the numbers, I expect him to play a good enough game to get him to the finals.
On the other hand, I can also see him kind of giving up should his alliance be in the minority at any point. If he does not have the numbers going into the merge, he will pull a Russell Hantz and destroy camp, leaving the tribe with no other option but to vote him out.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Early jury. But, if he can take control of a post merge alliance, he has a decent shot at winning.

3. Joe (Brains Tribe)

(photo credit: cbs.com)

(photo credit: cbs.com)

I am not sure if I placed Joe this high because I truly believe that he can win the game, or because I like him so much. Joe is the modern day Rudy, but in much better shape, and much more capable of fitting in with the younger crowd.

Joe, the former FBI Agent, is 72 years old, but I do not expect his age to be a factor in physical challenges. On top of that, he is so damn likable that I can not imagine a tribe voting him off unless they HAVE to. The only thing that concerns me about Joe is the harsh conditions the castaways are said to have endured this season. Hopefully Joe’s body can hold up in the brutal Cambodian environment.

While I want Joe to win,

I believe, like Tai, that the castaways would be foolish to let him near a final 3 vote. I expect him to get very far, but voted out right before the final three battle it out for the jury’s vote.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Joe will be one of the final jury members. If, for some reason, they do not vote him out, he could easily win the jury’s vote. And will.


2. Michele (Beauty Tribe)

(photo credit: cbs.com)

(photo credit: cbs.com)

Michele screams winner to me. The problem is…. someone else screams winner to me as well. I expect Michele and Anna to team up and dominate this game. Michele is gorgeous, intelligent, well-traveled, seemingly modest, and self aware. She will be the cool girl of the camp, and in control of the vote throughout the season.
She may, however, take the blame for a lot of the blindsides, and her ally, Anna, who will be a bit more under the radar, will come through unscathed. I liken them to if Jerri and Amber played a little better game in the Outback. Jerri (Michele) would have taken all the heat, and Amber (Anna) would have cruised to the end and won.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Michelle will make it to the end of the game, and come up JUST short of winning (I am predicting she will lose by just one vote.)

1. Anna (Beauty Tribe)

(photo credit: cbs.com)

(photo credit: cbs.com)

Like Michele, Anna has a lot going for her. She is beautiful, intelligent, and seems exceptionally kind-hearted. Being a poker player, she easily could have been on the Brains tribe as well.
I expect Anna to team up with the girls and vote out all the big guys once the merge happens. I also expect her to sit back just enough and let her allies be the “face” of the alliance, which would put the target (and blame) on all of them before herself. She should cruise to the end of the game, and be able to convince the jury why they should vote for her to be the next sole survivor.

FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Not only do I think Anna will win the game, but I think she will do so without receiving any votes against her all season.


Don’t miss the season premiere of Survivor Kaoh Rong: Brains Vs Brawn Vs Beauty 2 tonight on CBS to see if my predictions come true. Have predictions of your own. Leave them in the comments below.