The remaining castaways (ranked in order of least to most likely to win.)
12. Scot (Brawn Tribe)
Standing at 6’11” and weighing 310 lbs, is Scot Pollard, the former NBA Champion, and official tallest castaway to ever play Survivor. Scot is a self-proclaimed “cave man”, but comes across as a gentle giant. In fact, he seems so gentle, almost to the point where he is going to bore us to tears. Scot is under the impression that he can still win the game despite the fact that he already has a lot of money, which is not the case, as there is no way a jury would award a multi-millionaire another million dollars unless they REALLY played an amazing game. And that is not happening with Scot.
On a positive note, he does has a bit of a personality as Scot was known for having some crazy hairstyles back in his NBA days, and even got in trouble once for looking into the camera during a time out and saying “Hey kids, do drugs” because he didn’t think the camera was rolling, which is hysterical. Let’s just hope that is the Scot that plays Survivor, and not the boring, scripted Scot that was seen in his introductory video.
FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Scot will not be able to hide once the tribes merge, and will be one of the first members of the jury.
11. Peter (Brains Tribe)
Barack Obama look alike, Dr. Peter, is a quadruple threat. He is smart, good looking, physically fit, and seems like an all around nice guy. He will excel in both physical and mental challenges, and as a doctor, should be able to form solid bonds with people from all walks of life.
Peter, however, will try to make big moves too early, and will get caught up in the process. While nowhere near as arrogant as Nick, Peter’s confidence could come across as arrogance if he is not careful, which will lead to the woman bonding together to hash up a plan to vote him out. His physical and mental abilities will be an asset for the first few votes, but I expect the castaways to see Peter as the number one threat early on, and do anything they can to vote him out
FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION – Voted out right before the merge, or one of the first jury members
10. Darnell (Brawn Tribe)
Darnell, the skinniest “Brawn” of all time, is going to be the comic relief of the tribe. His strength will be his social skills, and his humor will keep him around until the merge.
Expect to see many confessionals from Darnell explaining how he is not doing this for himself, but rather, doing it for all the children in the projects that he is showing that they, too, can one day be chosen for Survivor and compete for a million dollars. I never understood how being on a reality tv show is a way of proving to a demographic/generation that you can amount to something special, but what do I know?
FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Darnell will make the merge, but fall short of the final tribal council, much like Sean Rector from Survivor: Marquesas, whom Darnell stereotypically likens himself to. 6th place finish.
9. Cydney (Brawn Tribe)
Cydney is the embodiment of a Brawn tribe member. As a 23 year old professional body builder, Cydney clearly has the dedication, determin
I expect Cydney to be voted out very early on, or make it to the finals, as people will want to take her to the end because they will not think she will have a shot to win.
FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: Cydney will make the final 3, and receive zero votes to become the sole Survivor.
8. Neal (Brains Tribe)
If I had to choose any of the guys to have a beer with, it would be Neal. He seems like he is someone that would be a lot of fun to be around, and not take himself too seriously. Neal is a smart guy that has created a wildly successful ice cream company from the ground up. He is a fan of the show, and seems like he would not have a problem stabbing his tribemates in the back if it would advance him any further in the game.
I fear though, that once the merge happens, Neal will be playing a bit too hard, and will be the victim of an all girls alliance that sees him as their biggest remaining threat. He may not be a fan favorite, but I predict he will be my favorite, and I will be super bummed when he is voted out mid jury. If, however, he is as good as I think he potentially could be, and makes the final three, he would blow away anyone else in a final vote, and win this season: hands down.
FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: 8th place. BUT, if he makes the finals, he will be the winner.
7. Aubry (Brains Tribe)
Aubry is a wild card. If this likable Social Media Marketer, from Cambridge, MA can keep up with her tribe for the first few weeks, and help her tribe win immunities, she will sail to the end of the game. But if she become a tribal challenge liability, she could be one of the first to be voted out.
It is highly unlikely that she will spend a lengthy amount of time on the jury, as she will either be voted out pre jury, or voted out days before the finals. Hopefully, based on her intro video, it is the latter.
FINAL PLACEMENT PREDICTION: 15th place is she sucks in physical challenges. 4th place if she doesn’t suck in physical challenges.
For the final part of the countdown (6-1) click here.