Ranking the Men of The Bachelorette 12 (Part 2)

For a list of guys 26-21 click here.
20. Coley
(photo credit: abc.com)

(photo credit: abc.com)


Coley seems like the most average guy in the bunch. He is wearing a normal clothes, has average facial hair, is photogenic, but not distractingly handsome, and most importantly, is not wearing a rolled up bandana-tie around his neck. All of this is fantastic for Coley. In the real world.

However, on The Bachelorette, Coley will not stand out enough to gain JoJo’s attention, and as a result, will be an early casualty.

On a side note: I do not think I have ever seen anyone smile that hard in my life. Good for him.


19. Jake

This image was snapped immediately after Jake told a joke, and realized that nobody was going to laugh at it. (photo credit: abc.com)

This image was snapped immediately after Jake told a joke, and realized that nobody was going to laugh at it. (photo credit: abc.com)


There are 2 reasons why Jake will never win The Bachelorette. Well, 3 reasons, but I will leave the third reason up to your imagination.

  1. When asked what his favorite movies were, his response was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3. That is like saying Scream 9 is my favorite horror movie of all time. Except worse.
  2. When asked where he sees himself in 5 years, his response was “married to the Bachelorette and with their first child.” Not JoJo, “the bachelorette. Whoever that may be, he doesn’t care. All he knows is that he wants to be married to her in 5 years, and have her child. That is like saying, “I’m going to the mall tonight and all I know is that in 5 years, I want to be married and have a baby with whoever is at the checkout counter at H&M.”


18. Ali

Prince Ali-Ababba (photo credit: abc.com)

Prince Ali-Ababba (photo credit: abc.com)


I am pretty sure that the producers created Ali in some sort of computer animation lab that turns cartoon characters into real life humans, as Ali is some sort of odd hybrid between Disney’s Aladdin and Sesame Street’s The Count.

(photo credit: ohmy.disney.com)

(photo credit:


(photo credit: muppet.wikia.com)

(photo credit: muppet.wikia.com)

All that aside, Ali seems like a genuinely nice guy that any girl would be lucky to have. However, he seems like the farthest thing from JoJo’s type as humanly possible. Hopefully being a nice guy will at least allow him to stick around for a few weeks, and have a nice vacation hanging out with some new bros.

17. James F

Is it just me, or does James F's shirt look like 4 sizes too big for him? He is like swimming in a sea of red plaid. (photo credit: abc.com)

Is it just me, or does James F’s shirt look like 4 sizes too big for him? He is swimming in a sea of red plaid. (photo credit: abc.com)


The most interesting bio bit on James F’s contestant page is the fact that he has three tattoos. ALL OF WHICH HE WANTS TO GET COVERED UP. So….. this guy either makes completely irrational, spur of the moment decisions, or he has no idea what he wants to do with his body or his life. I get regretting one tattoo and wanting it covered up. Maybe two. Or possibly even three if you have your entire body covered in ink. But, having ONLY 3 tattoos and regretting them ALL, is just a red flag for me.

James F is also a boxing club owner, so I am expecting him to not back down from a fight. I am predicting some sort of altercation with James F and another Bachelor this summer when he returns for Bachelor Pad or whatever the hell they call that show now.

16. James S

Bachelor Superfan, James S (photo credit: abc.com)

Bachelor Superfan, James S (photo credit: abc.com)


The main reason I enjoy The Bachelor/ette is because I am addicted to elimination shows and I draft teams with friends and compete for cash. (No, I don’t IRS, I am just kidding.) I do not discriminate when it comes to drafting my Reality TV teams, and do not limit myself to shows that “men” should be watching. Sure, I draft teams for “manly shows” like Ink Master, The Ultimate Fighter, and Top Shot, but I also draft teams, and watch shows that are a bit more embarrassing, such as Project Runway, Face Off, and Dancing With the Stars. 

With that being said, James S identifies himself as a Bachelor SUPERFAN. Not only is that a bit strange, but it leads me to believe that he is not on the show to find love, but to experience what it is like to be on The Bachelorette.

Once JoJo catches wind that James S is a SUPERFAN, she will laugh in his face, and show him the door. I predict that James S will cry harder than any contestant in the history of The Bachelorette when he gets eliminated on night one.

Finally, I typically do not like to talk negatively about people’s appearances, but I am pretty sure his face is made of plastic.


15. Vinny

Who is this guys barber? (photo credit: abc.com)

Who is t

his guys barber? (photo credit: abc.com)


I know, I know, I know, I JUST got done saying that I don’t like to make fun of people’s appearances, but the VERY FIRST thing I said when I saw Vinny was “yikes, look at his hair.” And then the first thing I read about him was that he is A BARBER!

I am not kidding you people. I can’t make this shit up.

To be honest, I stopped there with Vinny’s bio, because I was in such shock. Feel free to read his bio and learn about him yourselves.

For part 3 click here.

Ranking the Men of The Bachelorette 12

Take a deep breath, break out your box of wine, and open up that fresh box of Puffs Plus Lotion Facial Tissues, Bachelor Nation, your guilty pleasure is back, and this is sure to be the most dramatic season of any show in television history… Just like every other season.

Season 12 of The Bachelorette begins with a new batch of 26 studs vying for the attention of former Bachelor reject, JoJo Fletcher. JoJo was a standout on last season, but let’s face it… she is basically only the bachelorette because Ben told her he loved her and then dumped her the next day. And, perhaps most importantly, because she has controversial brothers that will interrogate the final few poor saps that end up meeting them at the end of JoJo’s journey to find her second true soul mate in a matter of 9 months (third if we count her former real life boyfriend, Chad, who she may or may not still be stringing along just in case this Bachelorette thing doesn’t play out the way she wants it to.)

This season, as with all seasons prior, the batch of men is an uneven mix of roughly 6 serious contenders and 20 loose cannons whose sole purpose will be to get too drunk to attend the first rose ceremony, jump into the pool naked, fight with the guys, “shockingly” get the last rose at the first 5 rose ceremonies, and dress in crazy costumes the first night to gain the attention of JoJo and to make up for the fact that they are complete sociopaths. Hint to all future Bachelor/ette contestants: if you get the final rose at the first rose ceremony, you are going to be portrayed as the nut case that all of America was sure would be eliminated, but the producers make the lead pick you to stick around for a month in order to make you look crazy and make America hate you as much as humanly possible.

So who will win JoJo’s heart for a few months until she gets back with her crazy ex-boyfriend, Chad? Read on to find out who I think has the best chance.

(least likely – most likely)

26. Jonathan

Jonathan is super excited to show off his new shirt, which is part of the modern day pilgrim line by Gap. (photo cred: abc.com)

Jonathan is super excited to show off his new shirt, which is part of the Modern Day Pilgrim line by Gap. (photo cred: abc.com)


From the goofy look on Jonathan’s face, he is just happy to be chosen and have his picture taken by ABC. In return, ABC is thankful that Jonathan sent in a casting video, because he helps them look less racist and helps them fill the ethnic quota, without having to worry about him lasting more than one episode.

But, just to be safe, and help make sure that JoJo doesn’t pick him to move into the pad, Jonathan wears his best Scottish Kilt to the opening night meet and greet booze fest. In case you need a visual….

(photo cred: abc.com)

(photo cred: abc.com)

Still happy as a pig in shit, Jonathan will never get a rose, and will leave the mansion without ever letting JoJo play with his bagpipes.


25. Sal

If Sal's piercing blue eyes don't scream "what the hell am I doing here?, I don't know what does. (photo cred: abc.com)

If Sal’s piercing blue eyes and forced smile don’t scream “what the hell am I doing here?, I don’t know what does.
(photo cred: abc.com)


The Bachelor mansion is no place for the timid, and being meek and mild won’t get you past the first rose ceremony. The fact that the most outrageous thing 28 year old Sal has ever done is egg his gym teacher’s house in high school means that he is dead on arrival on premiere night. First of all, if you are still egging anything in high school, you need a complete and immediate revamping of your social life. And if 12 years later, it is still the most outrageous thing you have ever done, you are a complete and utter lost cause.
It actually makes me feel sad for the guy, so I will not make fun of him any further. And I definitely will not mention the fact that he looks like he is talking to the photographer through his teeth (the way a ventriloquist would) saying that if he doesn’t stop taking pictures and let him go to the bathroom, he is going to crap his pants.

24. Brandon

(photo credit: abc.com)

(photo credit: abc.com)

Brandon’s occupation is listed as a “Hipster.” It seems to me that Brandon may have chosen his profession before he knew that he could not grow a hipster beard. A “hipster” that is unable to grow proper facial hair is like a surfer dude unable to stick out his thumb and pinky at the same time, thus preventing them from being able to hang loose.

Prediction: the producers will squeeze every ounce of humor out of Brandon’s “occupation” and make him out to be the most stereotypical hipster in the universe. Then, once the producers have run out of hipster jokes, they will allow JoJo to unceremoniously dump him and send him back to Boulder, CO, or wherever the hell he is from.

23. Evan

Need help getting and keeping an erection? Call Evan, he can help! (photo credit: abc.com)

Need help getting and keeping an erection? Call Evan, he can help! (photo credit: abc.com)

Evan is stunt casting in its purest form. Just when you think the franchise has found the most ridiculous occupations, here comes Evan, the Erectile Dysfunction Expert. I have never met, seen, or even knew Erectile Dysfunction Experts existed, but if I had to envision what one looked like, I would literally envision Evan.

The combination of his hair, goatee, and creepy smile scream “call me if you need help with your erection.”

Prediction: JoJo will pretend she is intrigued by his occupation, but secretly be creeped the hell out, and he will be exiting the house before we get to know all of his keys to a healthy, functional erection.

22. Nick S

Nick S is feeling as confident as ever thanks to his perfectly tied bandana that he presumably spent hours rolling ever so perfectly. (photo credit: abc.com)

Nick S is feeling as confident as ever thanks to his neck bandana that he presumably spent hours rolling and re-rolling until reaching perfection. (photo credit: abc.com)


I do not care how much money you have, how funny you may be, how kind, caring and respectful you are, or how perfectly you can nail the I-don’t-want-to-smile-and-look-like-I-am-excited-but-deep-down-I-am-unbelievably-excited look, if you are a dude, and you roll up a bandana and wear it as some sort of necklace tie, you are the worst person ever.

On the off chance that Nick S doesn’t wear something equally ridiculous on the show, the fact that his greatest accomplishment to date is being an Eagle Scout, will be more than enough to send him packing right away. I pray to the Reality TV gods that he gets eliminated while wearing the bandana-necklace-tie, and then proceeds take it off, unroll it ever so gently, and use it to wipe the tears and snots from his face while being interviewed about what makes him so undesired.

21. Nick B

This is what Nick B looks like when he is not playing dress up. (photo credit: abc.com)

This is what Nick B looks like when he is not playing dress up. (photo credit: abc.com)


A memorable limo exit is becoming increasingly important on The Bachelorette. But, there is a very fine line between being memorable and charming, and being weird and creepy. According to their cast group photo, Nick B decides to dress up as Santa Claus to introduce himself to JoJo. JoJo may see this as comical and appreciate his humor. However, if he makes her sit on his lap, things could go from funny and silly to instant elimination real quick.

Nick B may have a chance if he ends up being just a funny guy that doesn’t take himself too seriously. But, if JoJo thinks he is there for the screen time, she may get rid of him before he ever gets to even Jo-Jo-Jold…… I mean, ho-ho-hold her hand.

For part 2 click here.

Top 40 Greatest American Idol Performances Of All Time

I would be remiss if I did not release a countdown honoring 15 years of televised rock and roll performances on one of the biggest shows of my generation, American Idol. Before tonights series finale, I decided to follow up on yesterday’s ranking of all 14 coronation songs, and do my best to countdown my top 40 favorite Idol performances over the span of the series. Granted, these may not be considered “the best”, but they are as close to my top 40 as humanly possible. No write-ups are necessary, just the cold, hard facts, and a link to the performances. You be the judge and tell me how much of an awful person I am for not including 7 David Archuleta songs, or the entire Melinda Doolittle Idol catalogue. Or tell me I am an idiot for having such an obsession with “And I Am Telling You”, and “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” But, considering Ryan Seacrest is signing off for the final time tonight, I think it would be more fitting, if we just all just get along, and get through this night together.

Without further adieu, my Top 40 American Idol performances of all time.

*** Note, coronation songs are not included, as they were part of yesterday’s countdown.

40. “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” – James Durbin (Season 10)

39. “The Story” – Lacey Brown (Season 9)

38. “It’s All Wrong, But It’s All Right” – Michael Johns (Season 7)


*Johns became the first Idol finalist to pass away a few years ago. RIP MJ. You were the man.

37. “Circle of Life” – Jennifer Hudson (Season 3)


36. “Wanted (Dead or Alive)” – Chris Daughtry (Season 5)

35. “Can’t Help Falling In Love” – Jena Irene


34. “The Trouble With Love Is” – Clark Beckham (Season 14)

33. “When You Tell Me That You Love Me” – Vonzell Soloman (Season 4)

*Not exactly sure why I love this so much, but I do, and I am not ashamed.

32. “Maybe I’m Amazed” – Caleb Johnson (Season 13)

31. “I Believe” – Joshua Ledet (Season 11)

30. “Eleanor Rigby” – David Cook (Season 7)

29. “You Give Love a Bad Name” – Blake Lewis (Season 6)

28. “The Boxer” – Lee Dewyze (Season 9)


27. “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” – Jason Castro (Season 7)

26. “Bright Lights” – Nick Fradiani (Season 14)


25. “Fat Bottomed Girls” – Phillip Phillips (Season 11)

24. “Man in the Mirror” – Kris Allen

23. “Think” – Katherine McPhee (Season 5)

22. “Imagine” David Archuleta (Season 7)

21. “Paint It Black” – Siobhan Magnus (Season 9)


20. “Bridge Over Troubled Water” – Jacob Lusk (Season 10)


19. “That’s All” – Phillip Phillips (Season 11)

18. “You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me” – Nadia Turner (Season 4)


17. “Tracks of My Tears” – Adam Lambert (Season 8)


16. “Bohemian Rhapsody” – Constantine Maroulis (Season 4)

15. “You Make Me Feel (Like a Natural Woman)” – Kelly Clarkson (Season 1)


14. “Remedy” – Bo Bice (Season 4)

13. “So Small” – Matt Giraud (Season 8)


12. “Independence Day” – Carrie Underwood (Season 4)


11. “Me and Bobby McGee” – Crystal Bowersox (Season 9)

10. “House of the Rising Sun” – Haley Reinhart (Season 10)


9. “One Rock and Roll Too Many” – Syesha Mercado (Season 7)

*Sexiest Idol performance ever??


8. “Moving Out” – Phillip Phillips (Season 11)


7. “Bridge Over Troubled Water” – Clay Aiken (Season 2)


6. “And I Am Telling You” – Jessica Sanchez (Season 11)


and then there was this…….



5. “Always Be My Baby” – David Cook (Season 7)


4. “You Found Me” – Matt Giraud (Season 8)


3. “Alone” – Carrie Underwood (Season 4)


2. “Hallelujah” – Lee Dewyze

1. “This Ain’t A Love Song” – LaKisha Jones (Season 6)


“I have heard of Bon Jovi and I have seen him on Oprah.”

Yes LaKisha Jones said that, and yes, I am sure this is my favorite Idol performance of all time. And no, I do not have a fever.


What performance did I miss? What is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below.