After 20 years, 39 seasons, 582 episodes and 590 castaways, the day that every
Survivor super fan has been waiting decades for has finally arrived; the premiere of
Survivor 40: Winners at War.
With the stakes raised to two million dollars, the most legendary winners of all time will compete for the title of the greatest to ever play the game.
As a super fan from day one, who had a VHS tape pre-loaded into his VCR to capture the first seconds of episode one in Survivor Borneo, has re-watched every season multiple times, as well as watched every season of Survivor Australia and Survivor South Africa, and dozens of seasons of Survivor Maryland, Survivor Boston, Survivor UCONN, Survivor Michigan, Survivor OSU, Survivor Philadelphia, Survivor Buffalo, and Syrvivor (sic) Syracuse, I would be remiss to not cover this legendary season.
Come back to Ryan’s Countdowns each week to see who is forging the path to victory, and whose dream of being the best of the best is all but crushed.
Who will win Survivor 40: Winners at War
20. Boston Rob Mariano, Survivor Redemption Island

Boston Rob Mariano (photo credit:
Boston Rob has played the game of Survivor more times than anyone alive. This being his fifth appearance on the show, will make him the number one target. Despite playing four times, Boston Rob has never been on a Survivor jury, as he was voted out pre-jury two times, and sat in the final 2/3 two times.
Seeing as this season has an Edge of Extinction twist, which means most, if not all the players will be on the jury or a finalist, expect Boston Rob to finally get to decide who wins the grand prize.
This will, however, more than likely not be the final time Boston Rob will play Survivor though, as he is a lock for any Legends season that may be in the works, no matter how quickly he gets voted out of Winners at War.
19. Sandra Diaz-Twine, Survivor Pearl Islands & Survivor Heroes Vs. Villains

Sandra Diaz-Twine (photo credit:
No matter what happens this season on Winners at War, Sandra is, and will always remain the queen of Survivor. At the moment, she is the first, and only person to win Survivor two times, though that is bound to no longer be the case come May.
Her nineteen competitors will have too much respect for the legend to vote her out at the first few Tribal Councils, but they will also have too much prior knowledge to not vote her out come the first swap.
Sandra’s “anybody but me,” strategy may have won her two million already, but the odds of her doubling her Survivor winnings, are all but non-existent.
18. Sarah Lacina, Survivor Game Changers

Sarah Lacina (photo credit:
Being the most recent female winner, as well as the most recent winner of an all returnee season, Sarah has a double target on her back.
Playing the game with so many “type A” personalities may be the only thing that could possibly work in her favor, seeing as see may be overlooked while her competitors go after bigger targets. But on the same token, she may be so overlooked that nobody will think about including her in any of their alliances.
Plus, of all twenty winners, she is very likely the least intimidating, meaning that the others will not be scared to throw her name around in hopes of getting the numbers to vote her off.
Besides legends Boston Rob, Sandra and Parvati, Sarah may have the biggest uphill battle of them all.
17. Amber Mariano, Survivor All Stars

Amber Mariano (photo credit:
This may sound too far fetched, but Amber was my winner pick for Survivor All Stars the first time I saw the cast. And if she never married Boston Rob, she would be my winner pick for Winners at War as well.
Amber is likable, level headed, and, at least 16 years ago, was a solid challenge competitor.
However, seeing as both her and her husband have already won a million dollars from the show, and seeing how the others may deem it to be “unfair” that a married couple are playing together, Amber, much like her husband, has very little chance of winning Winners at War.
If the name Mariano does happen to be on the two million dollar check at the end, it will without a doubt have the name Amber in front of it.
16. Adam Klein, Survivor Millennials Vs. Gen X

Adam Klein (photo credit:
Adam Klein is, hands down, the biggest fan that has ever won the show, and potentially the biggest fan to ever play the game. He is a true student of the game in every sense of the term. His massive disadvantage though, is that everyone knows it.
Klein played a near flawless game in Millennials Vs. Gen X, winning in a unanimous 10-0-0 vote, but to duplicate that same game with 19 other people that are just as good as he is, will be nearly impossible for him.
He had a fire in him to win his last season for his dying mother who passed away just two days after he returned home from filming. But this time, now that he accomplished his wish of his mom knowing he won Survivor, he may be too starstruck by his idols to be able to focus on winning the game for himself.
15. Yul Kwon, Survivor Cook Islands

Yul Kwon (photo credit:
Survivor is quite different now than it was the first time Yul played the game. While he found the only hidden immunity idol of the season on day five, he never had to use it as the rules of the hidden immunity idol were much different.
Back in Yul’s day, the hidden immunity idol could be played after the votes were read. Once the rest of the castaways found out that Yul had the idol, of course nobody would vote him out, all but guaranteeing him a spot in the final four.
Yul is extraordinarily likable, in just about as good of shape as a human being can be, and is basically a genius. All great qualities to have in a regular season of Survivor, but all massive targets that will be impossible to overlook in an all winners season.
14. Tony Vlachos, Survivor Cagayan

Tony Vlachos (photo credit:
Although not as much of a household name as Boston Rob, Sandra and Parvati, Tony is right up there in terms of the game’s most legendary players.
His epic win in Survivor Cagayan, however, is leveled out by his second appearance in Survivor Game Changers, in which he was the second person voted out of the game.
Tony may be too much of a personality to ignore, and it would be shocking if the winners he is up against allow him to make it late in the game, where he would likely backstab anyone he needed to in order to win the game.
It is undeniable that Tony plays hard and will have to take more of a backseat in Winners at War if he plans on making it far. But that is relying heavily on the slim chance that Tony has any idea what it means to take a back seat on anything.
13. Parvati Shallow, Survivor Micronesia

Parvati Shallow (photo credit:
With the exception of possibly Kim who has a strong has of being the best to ever play the game, Parvati is the only person who could win the season and have a realistic debate as to whether or not she deserves to dethrone Sandra as the official queen of Survivor.
She has played three times, finishing sixth place in Survivor Cook Islands, winning the half-returnee season of Survivor Micronesia, and being the runner-up (to Sandra) in what many consider to be the best season ever, Survivor Heroes Vs. Villains.
While she deserves much more credit than simply being a talented flirt, it is her flirting abilities that many chalk up to why she got so far each time she played.
Now that she is married (to former Survivor Samoa contestant John Fincher,) and a mother to her newborn son, she will have to prove she has what it takes to be the best player ever without her tactful art.
If any of the big name legends has a shot at winning Winners at War though, it is, most certainly Parvati Shallow.
12. Denise Stapley, Survivor Philippines

Denise Stapley (photo credit:
Winning Survivor Philippines at just 41 years old, Denise is the oldest woman to ever win Survivor, and overall the second oldest winner to win the game.
Despite her “old” age, Denise may be in the best shape of all the woman competing.
Even more impressive, she is the only person to ever play the game and attend every Tribal Council along the way. Denise managed to survive all 15 Tribal Councils, only receiving six votes against her all season.
She is mostly remembered for her tight friendship/alliance with Malcolm, who was seventeen years younger.
Denise played the “mother” role perfectly her first time, but with an all winners cast, many of which are just a few years younger than her, she may find that the role of “mother” is not only unneeded, but also potentially a reason to vote her out.
If she makes it to the final Tribal Council, she has this in the bag, but it is not very likely these winners will allow her to get there.
11. Wendell Holland, Survivor Ghost Island

Wendell Holland (photo credit:
It was just a few seasons ago that Wendell and his alliance-mate Domenick dominated Survivor Ghost Island, resulting in the first ever tie vote at the final Tribal Council.
Unfortunately for Wendell, this is probably pretty fresh in the minds of the winners. Wendell’s likability and charm enabled him to make it to the end of Ghost Island, and will likely get him a respectable placement in Winners at War, but it is difficult to imagine a scenario in which anyone would want to face him in a final Tribal Council where two million dollars is rewarded to the winner.
10. Ben Driebergen, Survivor Heroes Vs. Healers Vs. Hustlers

Ben Driebergen (photo credit:
Of all 38 people to ever win Survivor, many consider Ben to be the least deserving (with the possible exception of Edge of Extinction winner, Chris Underwood.)
This may lead some to believe that Ben will be an early target for the Winners at War cast that likely consider themselves a superior winner.
However, due to this, he will almost certainly not be seen as a threat, which should propel him to the end game. If he is sitting at the final Tribal Council though, the jury will probably have a strong opinion about him being there…
A) He will get hate for “not deserving to be there in the first place.”
B) He will get love for “proving everyone wrong that said he was not deserving of a place in Winners at War.”
Either way, Ben will very likely do much better than many people would assume.
9. Natalie Anderson, Survivor San Juan del Dur

Natalie Anderson (photo credit:
Originally on Survivor Blood Vs Water with her twin sister Nadiya, who was the first person voted out of the game, Natalie played one of the most dominating games of any winner competing this season.
She is a physical, mental and social threat, but she is not one to shy away from confrontation, which could make her an easy target.
Her very good friend and Blood Vs. Water co-star, Jeremy, is also playing this season, which will be a built in ally for Natalie, but since it is common knowledge how close the two are, this could make her target even bigger to separate the power couple.
If Jeremy gets voted out early on, which is highly unlikely, and if Natalie can learn to fly under the radar, also highly unlikely, Natalie could come out on top once more (again, highly unlikely.)
8. Sophie Clarke, Survivor South Pacific

Sophie Clarke (photo credit:
Sophie is the first real contender that has, what I deem to be, a decent shot to win this season.
She is humorous, but not too funny.
Sophie is athletic, but not overly athletic.
She is social, but not fake.
Her downfall, she is extremely intelligent, and everyone knows it.
After beating Ozzy in the final immunity challenge in Survivor South Pacific, then beating returnee, and Survivor icon, Coach in the final three, Sophie has proven that she is a major force to be reckoned with.
7. Nick Wilson, Survivor David Vs. Goliath

Nick Wilson (photo credit:
Being the most recent winner in the cast of Winners at War, Nick has his work cut out for him. He hasn’t had years to mingle and socialize with his cast members, and will probably not be going in with any pre-game alliances.
Also to his detriment, Nick’s win in David Vs. Goliath is fresh on everyone’s minds, which may make him an early, easy target.
However, if he can make it past the first two votes and survive long enough to make some friends and create some bonds, he will likely be forgotten about and will cruise to the end game.
Once there, he is good enough with his words to convince the jury that he deserves the title for coming into the game and being able to make it to the end while starting at such an extreme disadvantage.
6. Jeremy Collins, Survivor Cambodia

Jeremy Collins (photo credit:
Jeremy is a triple threat of a strong physical, mental and social player. He learned from the mistakes he made in Blood Vs. Water and ended up turning his game around in Survivor Second Chance to win one of the most competitive seasons to date.
There is a good chance his charm can get him deep into the game, where he will likely have to win his way to the end. If he is in the final three, he has a solid chance of winning, but he has been around long enough for his fellow castaways to know all too well what a dangerous move it would be to sit next to him for a jury vote.
5. Michele Fitzgerald, Survivor Kaoh Rong

Michele Fitzgerald (photo credit:
With the possible exception of Ben, Michele may be the winner that has the most to prove on Winners at War. Many think she was undeserving winner, which has always confused me.
She has a exceptional social game, is good at challenges, and is remarkably likable. She was my pick for runner up in Kaoh Rong, and is a strong contender for my winner pick in Winners at War. If I had to choose who I would want to win, it would be Michele, simply to quiet all of her haters.
But thinking logically, unless she is voted out first, she will almost certainly make the finale, will likely be sitting in the final three, and will secure her streak of never being voted out of Survivor.
4. Tyson Apostol, Survivor Blood Vs. Water

Tyson Apostol (photo credit:
The best thing that Tyson has going for him is that he is a goofball. He is one of the funniest people to ever play and despite being one of the best, he may not be taken seriously enough for the Winners at War cast to target him.
If he plays the role of “I am just here to have fun,” he could be used as number, and be carried along to the end, which he would have a very solid chance of winning due to his amazing speaking skills.
He has the ability to comes across as if he doesn’t know what he is doing, but in reality has the intelligence to completely fool everyone.
Regardless of his final placement in the game, I expect massive moves from Tyson, and for him to be the most exciting castaway to watch this season.
3. Kim Spradlin-Wolfe, Survivor One World

Kim Spradlin-Wolfe (photo credit:
Despite playing the game only one time, Kim Spradlin-Wolfe is considered by many to be the best of all time. Nobody has come close to dominating the game on their first appearance the way that Kim did on Survivor One World.
If the castaways truly are the legends many of them claim to be, they would vote Kim out the first time she goes to Tribal Council.
However, it is much more likely that Kim will swoon people over with her charm, and people will flock to her.
It is hard to imagine Kim ever getting voted out of Survivor, and there is a strong chance we will never see it happen.
If Kim is in the final three, she wins against anyone besides Ethan.
2. Ethan Zohn, Survivor Africa

Ethan Zohn (photo credit:
Nineteen years after his dominating win in Survivor Africa, Ethan Zohn is poised to be the first man to ever win the game twice.
Nobody has a better story than Zohn, who has battled cancer for the past decade, and was convinced he would never play Survivor again. Not because he wouldn’t be asked to play, but because he wouldn’t be alive.
Ethan has been to hell and back and has proven he can survive things way bigger, scarier and harder than this game.
If Ethan makes the merge, which he will, he will either be voted out in fifth place, or crowned the champion of Winner at War.
1. Danni Boatwright, Survivor Guatemala

Danni Boatwright (photo credit:
Danni Boatwright is one of the most underrated winners of the game, and her season of Survivor Guatemala, much like herself, is often unjustly overlooked.
As a sports broadcaster and international model, Danni can very easily fit in with both the girls and the guys. Danni has the perfect blend of social, physical and intellectual skills that are not only needed to win a regular season, but also to win the most anticipated season of all time.
Though she may not get the most screen time, have the most confessionals, or make the biggest moves, I expect Danni Boatwright to be a household name once the season is over, and she is named the official Greatest Survivor of All Time.
Come back next week for the updated rankings after episode 1.