6. Disrupt the Peace. (NOVICE LEVEL PRANK)
This one is mainly for the teachers out there, but if you try hard enough, I am sure you could find a way to apply it to your non-teaching job as well. This is one of the meaner pranks on the countdown, but totally acceptable as long as it is done in moderation.
When walking in the hallway on your prep period, keep your eyes peeled for a classroom that is in complete silence. If you can find one in which the class is being yelled at, or in trouble, that is even better. Here are 3 perfect examples of ways to distract the classroom learning.
A) All you have to do is pop your head in the room and ask a simple question to get the students all riled up. Try real hard to come up with something that you know will get them excited. For example, you are not going to ask them “hey, did everyone study hard for the test this afternoon?” You need to ask them something like “Who saw the Deadpool movie this weekend? (or Kung Fu Panda 3.) Obviously use your best judgement based on their age level.
B) If you are blessed to live in an area where snow is a factor in the winter months, than you know how exciting a snow day or early dismissal can be. For this prank you do not even need to go into the classroom. Simply walk by the room, and loud enough for the students to hear, say “Did you hear that we are getting out two hours early today due to the snow?” Then hang out outside the room in the hallway and listen to the chaos ensue.
C) If a class is watching a film/documentary/movie I physically can not walk by the room without going into the room and casually saying “is this the part when they all die at the end?” This is hilarious no matter what the class is watching because if they are watching a film with actual humans, they get mad and yell “YOU RUINED IT FOR US!” And if they are watching a School House Rock video, or Bill Nye, the Science Guy film, they get all angry with you and scream “IT’S NOT EVEN A FILM THAT HAS CHARACTERS IN IT, MR. J. PLUS, YOU LIED TO US IN ENGLISH CLASS LAST WEEK WHEN YOU CAME IN AND TOLD US THAT HARRY POTTER AND ALL OF HIS FRIENDS WERE GOING TO DIE AT THE END OF THE MOVIE.”
5. Make Co-Workers Laugh at Inappropriate Times (EXPERT LEVEL PRANK)
If you are a teacher, the absolute most inappropriate time to laugh is at a parent/teacher conference. If you are on a middle school team, you likely meet with parents as a group. My favorite thing about teaching is trying to make my co-workers laugh when they are trying to be serious.
This is a very dangerous prank, because you, yourself must not laugh at your own behavior, and you must be so subtle so that the parents do not catch you acting like a fool. Inside jokes are key in this process. Get to know what makes your co-workers LOL and make sure you find a way to incorporate that into the discussion.
MOST IMPORTANT PIECE OF ADVICE: IF, for some reason, you are unable to control yourself, MAKE SURE you are the first person to excuse yourself from the room before you burst out laughing. Once one person leaves the room, everyone else is stranded there, and has no choice but to control themselves, or laugh in everyone’s face.
Some examples of funny things you can do: funny hand gestures, mouthing “that’s what she said” when appropriate, or pretend that you are taking notes on your computer and use iMessage to text your friends hysterical, inappropriate jokes. They are bound to check their phone at some point, and when they do, they will be unable to control themselves.
4. Lie When Asked What Someone Else’s Name Is. (NOVICE PRANK)
This could be done at any point that someone asks you someone else’s name. However, this works best when hazing new co-workers. The funniest thing to do is to lie to the new co-worker and tell them that one of your co-worker’s names is “Bob” when in fact it is “Mike.”
The more people that you get in on the prank the better. It is even best when you tell the person whose name you lied about. It is always so fun to see how long the workplace can go before the newbie realizes that there is no “Bob” in the building, and the entire workplace has been in on the joke for months.
This may seem like a prank that can only be accomplished very infrequently. But, I have mastered this prank, and successfully, notoriously pulled it off many times. When done right people will remember it for years to come, and never let the newbie live it down.
3. The Chair Steal (Moderate Level Prank)
If you have a co-worker that always loses and misplaces things, the best thing to do is to steal their chair.
The catch is……. tell everyone in the office/building that you stole the chair, and ask them to wait for an email/post/memo about the missing chair.
If you can successfully get the target of the prank to actually write an email or post a memo about their missing chair, the entire workplace will praise your success and your prank will go down in infamy
NOTE: This does not HAVE to be a chair, but a chair is just so funny because….
a) the person will not panic about losing a personal item, such as a purse, wallet, phone, keys, etc.
b) who the hell loses their chair?
THE BEST PART OF THIS PRANK: If the memo/email is sent by the pranked co-worker, be sure to send the entire staff/faculty/workplace a follow-up email or memo accusing another co-worker of stealing the chair…. much like my email below.

Actual email sent to the faculty responding to the pranked co-worker’s email about her missing chair.
2. Sending an Email or Writing a Memo with Multiple Spelling Errors. (Novice Prank)
If your place of work uses email to communicate with each other (like most school districts) you will need to be a bit more sneaky with this prank. If your workplace uses a memo board or something similar, this will be a piece of cake.
EMAIL PRANK – For this, you will need to sneak on to your co-worker’s email when they are away from their computer. Like I said before, this may be difficult, but if it is possible, send a quick email to all the co-workers. This works best around the holidays, so you can send a heartfelt email to everyone. The prank isn’t just sending the email, the prank is sending the email making sure it is filled with spelling and grammatical errors.
If you use a memo board, simply write a hand-written note about anything, and spell as many words incorrectly as possible, without making it obvious that the memo is not written by the person being pranked.
Simply sign the poorly worded, misspelled note/email with your co-workers name, and voila, your prank will take off like wildfire, and you will have the whole office/workplace whispering to each other that they never knew so-and-so was such an awful speller.
See example below if you need help crafting your letter.
1. Disgruntled Parent/Customer Phone Call (Expert Prank)
The grand daddy of all jokes, the prank phone call, has its own very special place in the work environment. It is crucial that this joke is used very sparingly, and only used to pretend to be a disgruntled parent (or an angry customer).
It is also important that you only call the prank victim directly. You do not actually want to get your co-worker in trouble, so be sure to call their direct line.
If you are calling a co-teacher, I suggest asking your friend “why does my child not learn anything in your class.” No matter what response he or she has, just keep on saying “but why does she not learn anything in your class?”
Listening to them stumbling over their words while trying to think of a constructive, meaningful response for why their child does not learn anything, will be epic. If you are wondering what to say when they ask who you are, just try mumbling a name. This is extraordinarily helpful if you use an accent. I personally like to pretend I am an angry woman with a Spanish accent, and use a common Spanish surname that would confuse even the most organized teacher.
EXPERT TIP: Complete prank with fellow co-workers in the room and make sure you have your victim on speakerphone.